Saturday, January 12, 2008

This Sucks Ass

Bah, so the last 2 days have been kinda shit, and i am not happy at all.

I have to go to the Doctors, as my hearing is deteriorating which is REALLY shit, not the fact that i have to go to the doctors but that i let it get this bad, which is my own stupid fault.
I also have an infection in my eye, which isn't good either >_<

ok so i bought hair dye on thursday 20 BLOODY EURO!!!! BAH, and then i get my hair done, and it turns fucking ginger, i am not at all happy, i have spent the last 2 hours crying, so yeah, i know im over reacting, but bah, i wanted as far away from that colour as possible, i swear if it doesn't go with my dress im going to FLIP!

so yes, i am not happy. God knows what else is going to go wrong now, and i have to wait like 2 months before i can get rid of this fucking color.

oh and my nose decided to bleed yesterday, for a good hour and a half. which btw i am now kinda dizzy......

/rant over.

i now has to go do homework, god i hope my book doesnt decide to eat me >_<
if there is one good thing to come of all this, at least my hair smells nice ¬_¬

A very pissed off
Jadey xx


Anonymous said...

What's wrong with ginger?

Jadey said...

Nothing, it just does not suit me one bit, it just looks awful...>_<