Thursday, March 27, 2008

Losing Faith?

Today as i was walking up to my driving lesson, i took the all to familiar route up from my brothers, around the corner and up Park street to get to the Diamond. Now, on Park street there is a church, its quite big, difficult to miss. Anyways, on my way past today, there was a car coming towards me on the road and it was a pretty flashy car, an 08 i think, very very nice. Inside were 2 guys. Now they were in their 20's i would say. So as they drove past i noticed that the driver, blessed himself.
It got me to thinking. They say people are losing their faith these days, but this is a prime example of people who still do have faith. I thought it was pretty cool. Usually its the older people you see doing this but to see a 20-something guy doing that kinda brightened my day a little.
I found that it brightened my day kind of well...strange, as i have long lost my faith in the catholic religion. Faith i have, but in organized religion, not really.

I think it also goes to show, that you shouldn't judge people. They can surprise you.

Well that was my quick thought.



Ben said...

i luv ur blog, tell me wot u think of mine

Ben said...

thanks i've only just started making blogs so it's nice of you to say long did it take you to realise? i will be getting new photos soon so keep visiting!!

Ben said...

before you think lots of people are visiting your blog, i've changed my name from "h4ck2r" to "Ben" because i want my real name to show.

Ben said...

am i annoying u now, well leave a comment. Just wondering, what part of ireland r u from. i've got new pictures, check em out.

Ben said...

the pictures are from google images just type "subliminal messages" but there is a lot of crap on there so i usually put the best stuff on my blog. Also will u rate my blog cos so far the only vote is mine, and that was just to make sure the thing worked.

Ben said...
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Ben said...

oh, and to view a better quality version of my banner just click on it

Ben said...

if you type your complete blog address(
into googoel they think you've spelt it's an should go and attack google.i'll look out for it on the news!!

REPORTER:And a crazed blogger has today attacked a website, she is currently making a deal with the internet. she says"free internet porn or your mouse goes down the toilet!!"

[sorry if that offended you]

hahaha :P have not heard from you in a while. where are you???

Ben said...
