Monday, August 18, 2008

This week will be awesome

Its true it will be.
Today i went into town to get my school books and booked a B&B which i will divulge into in a minute. I met up with Jules and got my books, i went and bought Julieanne hot chocolate and then went back into the school to chit chat and what not. I got home, tidied up and talked to LC.

Now the reasons this week are going to be brilliant are 2 fold.
Tim (Liquidcore/LC) is coming over for 3 days to see me. Saying i'm excited is an understatement. i honestly cannot contain my happiness. I'm picking him up from the airport on Wednesday morning so yay:)

And the second reason is because I have a package coming:) i can't wait:) I REALLY hope it comes soon, as Denise was explaining all the contents but not what it was so im super excited :)

Oh and i got my corset for my dress yay:) So hurrah,i absolutely love it and my dress is pretty much sorted:)

Anything else good that happens this week is just a Bonus:)


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