Today we went to Dublin to the RDS to go to Higher Options.
So Higher Options is basically where you go around different booths looking at what courses colleges have to offer. It was good fun all in all.
We went back into city center after we had looked around and most of them went shopping. I couldn't really afford to go so instead i went to look for books. I met up with Shaunna and we went to Hodges and Figgs where i bought Hedge Knight by George RR Martin, and ordered House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski and The Fairy Godmother : Tale of the Five Hundred by Mercedes Lackley. I also found Bone by Jeff Smith but it was like €35 and i couldn't afford that.
We then crossed the street and went into Waterstones, the reason for this was that I wanted House of Leaves now and would see if i could get it cheaper, it was in Waterstones but it was €25 and i was like yah no, as i had just ordered it for €18.
We casually walked down to O'Connell street as i knew there was another Waterstones and for curiosity sake i wanted to see if i could get it there.
Now i usually go straight in through the Jervis street doors but for some weird reason i decided to go in through M&S.
Which is unusual as i ALWAYS get lost and can never find the exit.
So on our way through, Shaunna said hey look its Noel. And was like who the fuck is Noel.
So i turned around and there he was, right in the middle of M&S. So she was like :O DOYUOHAVEAPEN???
Me being the geek that I am had a list of books i wanted to check so of course i had a pen. We went over to him and got him to sign the back of an IADT sheet (College i want to go to) and he was super nice and was like "Oh it was so nice to meet you" and very very super nice person.
We carried on anyways and was like ah shit we should have got a photo with him.
We figured he would be gone by then so we went to go get smoothies, and he walked straight past us. We though fuck it we'll go after him and get a picture, like the stalkers that we are. So we caught up with and him and were like "Yeah its us again, can we get a picture?"
He laughed and was like yeah sure :)

All in all it was a pretty good day, i ordered books and met Noel Fielding:D got a picture with him and an autograph:) Huzzah