Saturday, September 13, 2008

Things that make me smile

I was inspired to write this as mom just came in with a plate of toast for no reason. I love mom for that <3

Snow makes me smile, theres just something so pretty about it.

Sleepy Hollow evenings make me smile, as winter is approaching the weather gets draker and foggier and colder and gives the illusion of sleepy hollow where I live, as our lane has trees going down it and I love it.

Sunny days.

My vans.

Getting things done.

My room being clean and tidy.

When everything works out.


Watching Movies.

Having a shower and being clean.

Good hair days.

Talking to Denise.

Reeses Pieces.

Johnny Depp.

Pushing Daisies.

My Car.

When I can see my breath in the cold.


The Polar Express.


HOT Chocolate :)


The Scarf my nan made me.

When its raining outside and I'm wrapped in my Duvet.


Our lunchtimes at school.


And sooooooo many other tings, thats just but a few, if I think of more I will write them down.

Ah being in a good mood is fun:)


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