Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I should really finish my Poetry question.

I hate poetry questions.

In English we have to write a personal response to some poets poetry, you study like 6 poems for each poet and you cover 4-5 poems in your answer.
I do not like it whatsoever.
Its stupid, I wouldn't mind if we got to pick our poets but I don't relate with ANY of the poets or poetry on the course so far. >_<
Currently I am writing about Derek Walcott who WILL come up as this is his first year on the Leaving Certificate.
I think whoever came up with the idea of poetry on the leaving cert was having a laugh ¬_¬

If I was to write a letter to him it would be as follows:
Dear Sir/Madam
You are an ass.
Because of you I have to study 6 poets(7 but I haven't done the last yet) and I am not impressed with the choice.
Is this a joke? Because seriously, it isn't funny. Why is poetry on the LC? Is it to wreck the already aggravated and stressed 6th year to the point where they cannot form a proper sentence without the starter sentence of "It is of my opinion..." or "I found ______ poetry to affect me".
Well you know what? I do not care for this poetry, I did NOT have a personal connection with this poetry and I don't care if this poet had sex with some girl on a beach.
Why can't we do Poe? or Burton? or some sort of interesting poems like limericks?
"A pirate, history relates
Was scuffling with some of his mates
When he slipped on a cutlass
Which rendered him nutless
And practically useless on dates"

Or my favorite Poe poem
"To Isaac Lea"
It was my choice or chance or curse
To adopt the cause for better or worse
And with my worldly goods & wit
And soul & body worship it ----

Now isn't that more interesting? I rest my case.
Yours etc.

Oh and on an unrelated, but not that unrelated note, I heart the Stephanie Plum series, I'm going to do a post about it in a bit. IF I get this English finished and get a shower.


1 comment:

Denise said...

Looks like you haven't finished your English OR showered, I see no Stephanie Plum post! Ewwww, you must really stink by now. D: