Friday, June 19, 2009


"Life is what you make it, so stand up and shake it"
Fiona Keirans was the very definition of life. I have never met someone who was so optimistic and happy. She never had a bad thing to say about anyone and would try everything.
She was...well IS one of the most incredible people I have ever met and she was always such a happy and spontaneous person.
In 4th year she was one of the main parts in our school Musical "Calamity Jane" and played Henry Miller and her performance was amazing.
One of the sayings I will always remember from Fiona is "Friggin' Heck!" and I can hear her saying it now.
She was always wearing bright colors and had this unique style and these snazzy purple MC Hammer trousers that were just the very essence of Fiona.

She loved surfing, the color purple and her friends and family. Everyone that knew Fiona was influenced and inspired by her. She had such ah impression on everybody she ever came in contact with.

We could all take a leaf out of Fiona's book and really live life to the absolute full and take nothing and nobody for granted. Live for your friends and family. Work is inevitable but enjoy it anyway. Play is important but in moderation. Experience everything. Do things that scare you. Enjoy life. Don't take things seriously, there's bad times, but the good times out number them. Everyday is special and unique and use every gift you have to enrich the lives of yourself and the people around you. Everyone deserves chances to redeem themselves, don't be quick to judge. And most of all, be happy. Optimism is an incredibly amazing thing.

This was the philosophy that Fiona lived by.....

"A friend of mine opened his wife's underwear drawer and picked up a silk paper wrapped package:
'This,he said isn't any ordinary package.'
He unwrapped the box and stared at both the silk paper and the box.
'She got this the first time we went to New York ,9 years ago.
She was saving it for a special occasion.
I guess this is it.
He got near the bed and placed the gift box next to the other clothing he
was taking to the funeral house.... his wife had just died.
He turned to me and said:
'Never save something for a special occasion.
Every day in your life is a special occasion'
Now I sit on the porch without worrying about anything.
I spend more time with my family, and less at work.
I understood that life should be a source of experience to be lived up to,
not survived through.
If it's worth seeing,listening or doing,I want to see, listen or do it now.

Each day, each hour, each minute, is special.
Live for today,for tomorrow is promised to no-one!"

On the 16th of June 2009 Fiona died of a brain haemorrhage due to a trapped nerve. But that's not the Fiona we will remember. We'll remember the happy Fiona, the Fiona who would make you smile. The Fiona who ate ham and banana sandwiches. The Fiona who was always happy to see you and had a smile that brightened the entire room.

Thank you for everything. You were too beautiful for this world.
You'll always be in our hearts, forever remembered.

Live for Today.


Because of this, I am going to start a few new projects.
Watch this space for more news.
The first being a series of photos entitled "Life".

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tá an ghrian ag scoilteadh na gcloch

This time last year I would have been in Villach I think, or Salzburg. After spending 2 wonderful days in Venice.

This year however, I am at home. I was meant to study today, but the weather is so hot, its clear blue skies, nice sun a little breeze. Perfect. So I broke out the shorts and decided to wash my car.

It was the best hour I spent. I love this weather, and I like washing my car in this weather. I'm in such a perfectly happy mood today. I can't wait for the longer days where it doesn't get dark until like 1am and gets light again at 4am. Its just so amazing.
I love summer. But don't you find that the best days are ALWAYS the days where you're studying or doing exams? >_<

Oh well. :) Anyways, I'm going to take my French books outside and learn things and enjoy this weather then I'm going to go into to town and buy food and what not :)

I hope that Bee has fucked off by this point cause I don't feel like running around the whole fucking garden again I'm tired.
Hmmm I might go find Ice Cream ^_________________^

Anyways..... ttfn

Currently listening to:
Life Is Good - Junk

Monday, March 16, 2009

And the end of another era.............

....The Era of the Portfolio I mean.

I have finished my storyboard.
All I have left to do it Ink it. Eugh, fucking inking it will be tedious, but at least then its done.
I need to do my stop-go film hopefully will do that Monday and Tuesday if all goes to plan. I'm thinking of doing 2, the one because I have no female lead cause the people I was going to use are busy so I will shoot and alternate ending, and then do another after i have handed in this version of my Portfolio :)

I'm so happy I'm nearly finished but also kinda sad at the same time. I mean I have worked so fucking hard and long on this, so if I don't get in it's going to be a major kick in the face.

Thats just a quick update I will do more tomorrow :)


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I got my first acceptance letter today. Its for Ballyfermot, I applied for 4 courses there, and they were all portfolio submissions.
I however decided that because their date was so close, it was the 4th of March, that I would just leave it.
I didn't really think much else about it until today. I got a letter from them, telling me that I have an interview with them.
I, at first, and still am, rather confused. I mean, do I take my Portfolio with me? Or do I just go up or what? I have no idea, I need to ask Claire and see what she says, but she's in Berlin :\

Then I got an email from Dun Laoighre telling me a date to take up my Portfolio. ^___^ yayyy.
I REALLY hope I get in there, REALLY REALLY hope.

Anyways, thats all I have to say, I'm so friggin' happy that I got this, Its kinda made it seem as if my goals are slight bit more achievable.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Portfolio? Folio? A folder full of drawings....

2 weeks.

I have 2weeks to finish this portfolio, and if you'd of asked me at the beginning of the week I'd of said yeah I'm screwed. But after talking to my art Teacher, I feel so much more confident in the fact that I *might* just be able to get it done.

I found out the date for my French Oral, I'm on first day>_< However its nearly better to have it on the first day and get it over and done with.

I needed to get photos for my storyboard today, but now the weather is fucking me over, so I might leave it for today >_<

I have been listening to Kildare alot lately. They have 2 covers and an original. I can't stop listening to Electric Feel, its brilliant. So please listen to them, friend them, spread them around, they're fantastic. Thanks.

well thats all I have for now.


Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh voice, where art thou?

I hate loosing my voice.
Its awful. I sound awful, I can't talk properly and my voice sounds ridiculous.
It hurts when I cough and laugh or anything. I was watching Advanced P.E. and I have come to the conclusion that Dairy is my problem. Briana said you eliminate dairy and it would make you less susceptible to being ill etc.
So I'm thinking cutting out some of the dairy then maybe I won't be as allergic to cat hair and being ill all of the time.

Then again, that takes alot of effort and would mean I'd have to give up chocolate milk, and Ice cream, mmmm ^___^

Hmmmm, maybe I should go back to fruit breakfast again? We'll see. If you haven't tried this chocolate milk you should. Its amazing. mmmmmmmmmmm


Thursday, February 26, 2009

...ramblings of an ill person

I've come to the conclusion that 4music plays "Use Somebody" By Kings of Leon entirely too much.

Don't get me wrong, I love Kings of Leon, and I love that song, but so far everytime I have clicked onto that channel in the last few hours it is either just starting or its on next.

Also, that new song The Fear by Lily Allen I really really like. Its gotten stuck in my head and I have been humming it all day, even though thats a bad idea with the throat and all.
Usually I am not a fan of her. Oh well.
