Monday, March 16, 2009

And the end of another era.............

....The Era of the Portfolio I mean.

I have finished my storyboard.
All I have left to do it Ink it. Eugh, fucking inking it will be tedious, but at least then its done.
I need to do my stop-go film hopefully will do that Monday and Tuesday if all goes to plan. I'm thinking of doing 2, the one because I have no female lead cause the people I was going to use are busy so I will shoot and alternate ending, and then do another after i have handed in this version of my Portfolio :)

I'm so happy I'm nearly finished but also kinda sad at the same time. I mean I have worked so fucking hard and long on this, so if I don't get in it's going to be a major kick in the face.

Thats just a quick update I will do more tomorrow :)


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