Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I got my first acceptance letter today. Its for Ballyfermot, I applied for 4 courses there, and they were all portfolio submissions.
I however decided that because their date was so close, it was the 4th of March, that I would just leave it.
I didn't really think much else about it until today. I got a letter from them, telling me that I have an interview with them.
I, at first, and still am, rather confused. I mean, do I take my Portfolio with me? Or do I just go up or what? I have no idea, I need to ask Claire and see what she says, but she's in Berlin :\

Then I got an email from Dun Laoighre telling me a date to take up my Portfolio. ^___^ yayyy.
I REALLY hope I get in there, REALLY REALLY hope.

Anyways, thats all I have to say, I'm so friggin' happy that I got this, Its kinda made it seem as if my goals are slight bit more achievable.



JapaneseKeane said...

Dropping by to say hi :-)
Congrats! And good luck on your interview.

Denise said...

Take your Portfolio with you...if you don't need it then whatever, but you'll have it just in case?

At any rate, congrats, and good luck! You'll do great. :)