Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I apologize for this atrocity I call a blog post


School has started again, back to the same tedious routine of scheduled classes and revision. This whole revision thing is really quite an arse. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind revision, but for example, lets take English.
Its a pretty broad course, but instead of letting us get on with it and do like a poet or something, shes instead doing Questions A and B from the texts. That is, in my opinion bullshit. Those questions are incredibly general, and there is no way you can practice them, its ridiculous to make us do them OVER AND OVER again. What is the point? There isn't one.

Eugh. And You think I'm done there? Oh no. This blog is all complaints! Aghhhhh...

Not only revision, but now we have Oral work. I fucking HATE scrudú bhéal. Its just an arse. And don't get me wrong, I love the language, Irish I mean, but Eugh. Its worse when you have a sore throat, thank god my teacher didn't make me talk it, well she wouldn't have been able to hear me anyways.
French. I'm not even going to start. We shall just leave it at. Je m'appelle Jade. That is all. Seriously. -_-

But what's REALLY pissed me off today? Fucking portfolio deadline. 4th of march. I'm fucked. Like actually proper fucked. Thats not for the college I actually WANT to go to, but still, its my fall back course. >_< I need to get some shit done. Seriously.

Its Ash Wednesday tomorrow, which means yet again I might have to sit in Mass for fucking ages, doing sweet F all. I HATE that they actually make us go. They say that its not required, yeah fucking right. I might ask mom if I can take the day off and do my portfolio, because really, I'm missing Chemistry, Biology and French, and possibly Irish too. And all the leaves is English (Doing nothing as I already explained) Maths, meh, and Double Art. Which usually I wouldn't miss, but we're doing real life, and I really hate that. Its nothing like the class Jules and I did, its just eugh. I really hate it.

The reason I am complaining alot is because I do that when I'm sick, and I'm in one of those moods where I NEED to get it off of my chest.

Oh, and that brings me to these next few points, March, At the end Sean and I are meant to be going to England, we need to check with mom to make sure its all ok, because flights are cheap and we'd be staying with nan. However it falls right in the middle of my orals, I think I'd have done my French one, and then maybe Irish would be either the Monday or Tuesday of that following week. So when we do go, I will be taking my Irish notes with me to learn on the plane/bus/etc. Fun times. I need to sort flights like now though. I think Sean is covering my airfare (Its only like €10. And we don't have to pay for accommodation or anything as we'd be staying with Nan, so thats all ok). And the best part of going to England? I get to see Amy again. Which, I'm completely and utterly ecstatic about. I can't wait.

Then the next major thing after that would be Easter. I REALLY really really really really really really really really really hope Amy can come over in April during the break. That would be so wow. I need to talk to my parents and see if thats all all good. I'd say they'd be alright with it.

Then its pretty much studying from then until June :( Eugh, fuck my exams are so close *Cries*
But after that, it only gets better. Start of July I have Amys birthday, My birthday, and possibly Donegal for a weekend?
Then We have Denise over for the week at the end of July, which is going to be brilliant. I get to do all the things that I've heard about but not actually done. Its true what they say, you never do the touristy things until someone comes to visit.
Then I have Julieannes and Cakes 18ths
Then August at the beginning its apartment hunting ^_________________^ Then D's birthday.
Then My results come out. Then the Debs. And then I move to Dublin.
That is of course if I get in.
Which at this point in time, I honestly don't know where it leaves me if I don't. I need to get in.

Ok, I really cannot look at this screen right now as it is hurting my eyes. I need my glasses. :(


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