Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I really don't know what to call this

I got to thinking today, is it all worth it?

I mean everything? I was sat in the back of English and I began to wonder what is the point?
My teacher was talking about working hard to get into college, then working hard to stay in college and get where you want to be.
But what's the point, in everything, life, work, play? Is there a state of dynamic balance?
Its shit. You work your fucking ass off in order to get into college, then you work your ass off more to stay in college and get a degree, then your degree is worth fuck all so you have to get another degree. All the while you are working in order to support yourself and yet you're still creating a huge amount of debt. Then when you do finally get a degree you need a job. You're working all the while to get to the job you love and then when you finally get it, you realize that its not what you want, and you have no social life, or no one to share your happiness, and then you fall into a depression and figure fuck it.
This whole work work work, is this honestly all life is? You work, you work so fucking hard in order to get where you are, and then do you get satisfaction out of it? Yeah sure, a day or two, but why do you want to work?
Is it money? Does money drive you to get material objects? Is that all that matters, fancy objects? A car, house? holidays? Why?
Its such shit, are people honestly happy? And what is happy? Is it when you buy something new? No, thats materiel greed.

Why are we here? We work, we work more, and more and then we retire, we do fuck all and they we die. Is that the point to life?
Well procreation. But honestly, we're just spawning a newer, ungrateful generation.

And you know what conclusion that all this lead to?
I figured fuck it. In all honesty, I really don't care anymore. If I have to work hard, and still be unsatisfied then so be it.
But you know what the highlights of life are?
Everything OTHER than work. Relationships. Yes. I know work too. And you can be disappointed by people too, but at least its human affection.
Friends are mainly there for you, the true ones will always be there, regardless. They help you to be the person that you are, and listen to you, even when you're a complete and utter arsehole.
Your bf/gf. Sure, you drive each other completely crazy sometimes, but my god, if you didn't have them you'd be a hollow shell of your former self, or perhaps thats just me?
I am so incredibly, I don't know, thrilled? that at this point in time, I am happy with things in my life. I don't care about work, school, or anything. I am so focused on not caring about them, that its caused me to look beyond it, and the thought of nothing at all scares the crap out of me, but my god is it exciting. I have amazing friends, an amazing gf, and the all of those little innocent pleasures really make everything worth it.

I really don't know the point of this blog, but I felt the need to write it.

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